Blogs by Davin Workforce Solutions

Five Gadgets to Help with Creativity

Written by The Davin Team | Jan 18, 2019 4:59:00 PM

We at Davin Workforce Solutions love technology.  Gadgets, software, innovative tools, even new lo-fi analog solutions, we love to try anything new.  So, each month, we’ll bring you new gadgets and technology to help innovate your lives.

January is International Creativity Month and this month, we’re going to bring you:

Five Gadgets to Help with Creativity. 

3D Printing Pen by 3Doodler

The 2D world of drawing making you feel confined?  Do you ever just want to draw a sculpture?  The 3D Printing Pen by 3Doodler may help your work jump off the page.  Taking inspiration from an error with a 3D Printer, creators Maxwell Bogue and Peter Dilworth created the prototype 2012 and continued to improve upon it.  The pro version can now print wood, nylon, bronze, copper, and various types of plastic.  Just watching this pen work confirms that the future is now.  Find out more here.

Instax Cameras by Fujifilm

In a world of digital cameras, cell phones, and endless bytes, looking at a past technology might seem odd, but trust me, it’s not.  Instax (and the re-released Polaroid Cameras) offers the user a critical aspect that cell phones and digital cameras don’t: a tangible, expensive photograph.  Not only do you get to have a photo in your hand for reference instantly, but you start to care more about the photograph you take.  You will think through the process and in the end, be more creative.  You may even find that you take more care with the rest of your creative endeavors.  Find out more here

Dot Grid Book by Behance

Lined paper got you down?  Do you like to draw squares but hate rulers?  Behance created a notebook for you.  The Dot Grid Book erases the lines but keeps light, gridded dots to provide guidance.  This notebook offers a subtle structure for sketching, note-taking, and planning.  Perfect for a multi-tasking creative type who likes to doodle during meetings.  Find out more here

Standing and Sitting Desks from Refold

Sitting for endless hours in a fluorescent nightmare of an office can be draining, not only physically but creatively.  But sometimes you need your desk to work.  Refold has your back.  They created a sturdy, cardboard desk that you can easily assemble anywhere.  Want to write that report on a cliff?  This desk goes there.  Need to bust out a blog at the beach?  It works there too.  This desk allows you to go to your creative space, with no bounds.  Find out more here

USB Solar Charger

Many companies produce this little gadget, and that’s because the need is strong, especially with creative types.  Our phones are not only our lifeline to the world, but they are a portable note-taking device, audio recorder, camera, sketchbook, and more.  All those apps suck the juice from your phone’s battery quicker than you can ask, “does anyone have a charger?”  Having a USB Solar Charger in your creative utility belt keeps you going and doesn’t stall your creativity.

Some purists say that you only need a pen (or pencil) and paper to be creative, and while that might be true, technology and innovations can help.  It’s 2019, spend more time creating and less time agonizing over being creative.